Tee yhteistyötä tulevaisuuden huippuosaajien kanssa!

Aalto-yliopiston Sähköinsinöörikilta on loistava ja hyvinvoiva opiskelijayhteisö, joka vie sähkötekniikan avulla maailmaa eteenpäin. Kilta pitää jäsenistään huolta ja työelämän taitojen oppiminen onkin yksi killan tärkeistä arvoista. Siksi myös yritysyhteistyö on killalle hyvin arvokasta. Kilta järjestää paljon yhteistyötapahtumia, joissa kiltalaiset pääsevät tutustumaan yhteistyöyrityksiin ja killan tärkeänä tehtävänä on jakaa esimerkiksi työpaikkailmoituksia jäsenistölle.

Lyhyesti killasta ja sen toiminnasta

Aalto-yliopiston Sähköinsinöörikillan jäsenistöstä valmistuvat maan parhaimmat matematiikkaa ja fysiikkaa soveltavat huippuosaajat. Killan tehtävänä on pitää jäsenistään huolta ja edistää aktiivisesti jäsenten ja toimijoiden jaksamista. Killassa opitaan myös tärkeitä työelämätaitoja ammattimaisen killan johtamisen kautta.


Yhteistyömahdollisuuksista voi tiedustella lisää killan yrityssuhdemestarilta.


Yritysbrunssi on Sähköinsinöörikillan, bioinformaatioteknologian ainejärjestö Inkubion, sekä automaatio- ja systeemitekniikan ainejärjestö AS:n syksyllä järjestämä yritystapahtuma. Tapahtumassa luodaan yrityksille mahdollisuus tavata tulevaisuuden ammattilaisia maukkaan brunssin lomassa. Yrityksillä on mahdollisuus esittäytyä oman ständin luona, pitää esitelmä ja/tai tuoda yritykselle tärkeitä tuotteita esille.


Sähköinsinöörikillan ensimmäisen vuoden opiskelijat saavat opiskelijahaalarinsa heti syksyn ensimmäisenä päivänä. Yritysten on mahdollista ostaa mainostilaa haalareista ja samalla lunastaa esiintymispaikka haalareiden luovutustilaisuuteen, "Haalarigaalaan". Tilaisuus on erinomainen paikka jäädä heti uusien opiskelijoiden mieleen.


Excursioiden tarkoituksena on tarjota opiskelijoille mahdollisuus tutustua yritysmaailmaan. Excursioita, tai tuttavallisemmin excuja, järjestetään niin lähelle kuin kauaskin ja niillä tarkoituksena on päästä vierailemaan yrityksen tiloihin ja tutustumaan yrityksen kiinnostaviin työntekijöihin ja työtehtäviin. Hauskanpito ja teekkariperinteiden vaaliminen ovat tärkeä osa jokaista excua.

Potentiaalin Tasaus

Kiltamme viettää perinteikästä vuosijuhlaansa helmikuun kolmantena lauantaina. Potentiaalin Tasaus on kiltamme juhlavin ja rakkain tapahtuma. Yrityksillä on mahdollisuus osallistua vuosijuhliin niin pienellä kuin suurellakin panoksella!

Killan nettisivut ja työpaikkamainokset

Killan nettisivuilla on listattu killan yritysyhteistyökumppanit. Killan sivuilta löytyvät myös yritysyhteistyökumppaneiden avoimet työpaikkamainokset. Nämä mainokset ohjataan killan jäsenistölle eteenpäin myös viikoittaisen kiltamailin kautta, jotta kaikki mainokset saavat parhaan mahdollisen näkyvyyden kiltalaisten arjessa.


Sössö on Sähköinsinöörikillan hauska ja rakas opiskelijalehti. Sössö on kerännyt suosiota ja kartuttanut lukijamäärää jo vuodesta 1969 asti. Sössö ilmestyy perinteisesti paperisena, mutta myös Netti-Sössössä julkaistaan jatkuvasti uusia artikkeleja. Sössö tavoittaa noin tuhat elektroniikan ja sähkötekniikan opiskelijaa sekä koko tiedekunnan henkilökunnan. Lisäksi lehti lähetetään muille opiskelijajärjestöille. Yritysten on mahdollista saada mainostilaa Sössön sivuilta.

Olethan yhteydessä!

Yllämainituista mahdollisuuksista, sekä muista ideoista kiinnostuneena, voit olla yhteydessä Yrityssuhdemestariimme.


Emma Uusküla

Mainos Sössöön?

Killan lehden mediakortin löydät täältä ›


  • Hae 4.8 mennessä!

    IMA Engineering: Field Engineer (Mining Solutions)

    Type: Full-time / Permanent

    Location: Sinikalliontie 3 B, 02630, Espoo

    Application DL: 4.8.2024

    IMA Engineering, an international company redefining the mining industry for a more sustainable direction, is looking for a self-driven Field Engineer to support the team in a growing business!

    In this role you will join a company of twelve people whose mutual vision is to bring an environmental, economic, and sustainable approach to the future of mining by providing innovative technical solutions for the mining industry. The products of IMA Engineering reduce mining time, emissions, and energy usage with the help of automation, accuracy and mining process optimization.

    As a Field Engineer, you will focus on IMA Engineering's XRF on-line analyzers. Your main responsibility will be the support of installation and on-line analyser systems maintenance at customer sites and acting as part of the remote support team, ensuring successful implementation and long-term operation of the solutions. The role offers an excellent opportunity to learn about interesting international mining companies and their operations environments worldwide. IMA Engineering aims to reduce travel, so you will be responsible for training local maintenance operators in addition to maintenance tasks at customer sites. As vital part of remote support team, you will respond to support requests and manage customer maintenance activities remotely. In addition to the maintenance tasks, you will be involved in IMA Engineering's own EU-level projects, which include research and testing. You will participate in product development projects by planning maintenance activities, designing possible product modifications, and assembling and testing prototypes.

    Practical Matters :

    IMA Engineering offers a comprehensive introduction and training to the position. Before the maintenance tasks, you will get to know the products by participating in the final testing and manufacturing of the products in production. You will participate to delivery projects in IMA production, and on-site case-by-case as part of the IMA delivery Team. You will be acquainted to customer maintenance Team, and after that you will have access to customers for maintenance tasks. As IMA Engineering tries to reduce traveling, there are about 6-8 trips per year, lasting on average about 1-2 weeks. IMA Engineering values free time and encourages employees to spend time with family. Therefore, they also have a flexible remote working option. The salary for the position is between 3500-5000€/month and the position will start as soon as possible. You will be employed directly by IMA Engineering in this permanent and full-time position.

    To succeed we hope that you have experience in instrumentation and maintenance tasks in an industrial environment. Since the role includes customer support tasks, we hope you feel comfortable in social situations. Most importantly, you need to have sustainability in your heart and be ready to help the progress of a green transition. At IMA Engineering, attitude counts!

    We require you to have :

    Relevant educational background in the technical field.
    Minimum 1-year experience in maintenance or field service work in an industrial environment.
    Deep understanding of instrumentation.
    Self-driven attitude and good interpersonal and communication skills.
    Fluency in English, both written and spoken.
    Passion for sustainability and green products.

    We consider as an asset :

    Previous experience in the mining industry
    International working experience

    We can offer you :

    Opportunity to develop and take the next step in your career.
    A truly meaningful job with a possibility to improve the sustainability of the mining industry
    An employer who sincerely takes care of your well-being at work - the health and strength of our employees are our main priority
    An open-minded and delightful working culture where your expertise is appreciated
    Flexible working hours and an opportunity for remote work 
    Benefits for your needs, e.g. cultural benefits, etc.

    “I am so glad that I joined IMA because I could contribute to the sustainable use of minerals and drive the world towards Clean Future – Energy with Zero Carbon Emissions. I strongly believe that the company is a perfect place to grow within and gain experience in every aspect such as R&D, customer service, maintenance, support management, etc.”

    Damith de Silva, Research Engineer

    Please submit your CV and a short motivation letter in PDF format by the latest 4.8.2024 via our application system here: https://emp.jobylon.com/applications/jobs/244589/create/. Please also mention your salary request and the earliest possible starting date in your application documents. Remember to use the application system, we do not accept applications by email.

    To familiarize yourself with IMA Engineering, please visit here: https://ima.fi/. For further information regarding the application process you may contact aTalent Recruiting’s Recruitment Manager Riku Hagman (0503083210, riku.hagman(at)atalent.fi). In this position, you will be employed directly to IMA Engineering.

    Company description

    IMA Engineering has used on-line sensors for analyzing ore and waste rock in mining for over 25 years. Today IMA on-line sensors are used in various stages of the mining process, including on-line analysis of drill cores, drill chips, ore, and waste in loader buckets. IMA helps mines worldwide use 20% less energy and water while simultaneously reducing CO2 emissions and water pollution. The mission of the company is to make mining sustainable.

  • Hae 4.8 mennessä!

    Type: Full-time / Permanent

    Location: Sinikalliontie 3 B, 02630, Espoo

    Application DL: 4.8.2024

    IMA Engineering, a company redefining the mining industry for a more sustainable direction, is looking for a self-driven Product Engineer to support the team in a growing business!

    You will join a company of twelve people whose mutual vision is to bring an environmental, economic, and sustainable approach to the future of mining by providing innovative technical solutions for the mining industry. The products of IMA Engineering reduce mining time, emissions, and energy usage with the help of automation, accuracy and mining process optimization.

    As a Product Engineer, you will be responsible for maintaining XRF On-Line analyzers and new upcoming products, ensuring they remain deliverable. In this position, you will be a person who has an in-depth knowledge of the products and is proficient in their versatile use. Your responsibilities include ensuring that the products can be manufactured and that they are fully controlled in terms of documentation. Additionally, you will provide spare parts support for the products for several years after their delivery, maintain the availability of components, and actively participate in procurement. You will understand and manage product costs and be familiar with their performance, requirements, and characteristics. Furthermore, you will train Field Engineers in the use and maintenance of the products. You will also have the opportunity to develop new features for the products. Additionally, you will participate in delivery projects and final testing.

    Practical Matters:

    IMA Engineering offers a comprehensive introduction and training to the position. Before your responsibilities, you will get to know the products by participating in the final testing and manufacturing of the products in production. This position requires also ability to travel. They also have a flexible remote working option. The salary for the position is between 4000-5000€/month and the position will start as soon as possible. In this permanent and full-time position, you will be employed directly by IMA Engineering.

    To succeed we hope that you have experience in product management tasks in an industrial environment. Since the role includes customer support tasks, we hope you feel comfortable in social situations. Most importantly, you need to have sustainability in your heart and be ready to help the progress of a green transition. At IMA Engineering, attitude counts!

    We require you to have:

    Relevant educational background in the technical field.
    Minimum 1-year experience in an industrial environment, preferably in product management.
    Self-driven attitude and good interpersonal and communication skills.
    Fluency in English, both written and spoken.
    Passion for sustainability and green products.

    We consider as an asset:

    Previous experience in the mining industry
    Understanding of software
    International working experience

    We can offer you:

    Opportunity to develop and take the next step in your career.
    A truly meaningful job with a possibility to improve the sustainability of the mining industry
    An employer who sincerely takes care of your well-being at work - the health and strength of our employees are our main priority
    An open-minded and delightful working culture where your expertise is appreciated
    Flexible working hours and an opportunity for remote work 
    Benefits for your needs, e.g. cultural benefits, etc.

    “I am so glad that I joined IMA because I could contribute to the sustainable use of minerals and drive the world towards Clean Future – Energy with Zero Carbon Emissions. I strongly believe that the company is a perfect place to grow within and gain experience in every aspect such as R&D, customer service, maintenance, support management, etc.”

    Damith de Silva, Research Engineer

    Please submit your CV and a short motivation letter in PDF format by the latest 4.8.2024 via our application system here: https://emp.jobylon.com/applications/jobs/244595/create/. Please also mention your salary request and the earliest possible starting date in your application documents. Remember to use the application system, we do not accept applications by email.

    To familiarize yourself with IMA Engineering, please visit here: https://ima.fi/. For further information regarding the application process you may contact aTalent Recruiting’s Recruitment Manager Riku Hagman (0503083210, riku.hagman(at)atalent.fi). In this position, you will be employed directly to IMA Engineering.

    Company description

    IMA Engineering has used on-line sensors for analyzing ore and waste rock in mining for over 25 years. Today IMA on-line sensors are used in various stages of the mining process, including on-line analysis of drill cores, drill chips, ore, and waste in loader buckets. IMA helps mines worldwide use 20% less energy and water while simultaneously reducing CO2 emissions and water pollution. The mission of the company is to make mining sustainable.

Voit saada yrityksesi työpaikkailmoituksen listalle lähettämällä sen osoitteeseen emma.uuskula@sahkoinsinoorikilta.fi